Fort Wayne Air Conditioning Service
April 24, 2022
Working up a sweat is a great thing to do in a gym around Fort Wayne, but not in your vehicle. When Fort Wayne residents' vehicle AC Systems have a problem, they'll often feel it right away. The question is, how long do you put up with it? You know, the old comfort versus cost dilemma. But a more... More

Fuel Saving Tip: Car Weight and Your Indiana Driving
April 17, 2022
Weight is the enemy of fuel economy. Everyone from Fort Wayne knows this makes sense.Some of us in the Fort Wayne area carry a bunch of unnecessary weight, and I'm not talkin' what you see in the mirror.Guys: sports equipment and tools. Ladies: well, just take a look around the passenger compartm... More

Rear Window?Not the Movie! (Why Some Rear Windows Don't Go All the Way Down)
April 10, 2022
Alfred Hitchcock once made a mystery thriller film called "Rear Window." It had nothing to do with the rear window of today's cars, SUVs, CUVs and light trucks. But there is one thing that some drivers DO find mysterious. Why don't the rear windows in the second row of many of these vehicles go... More

Straight Ahead (Wheel Alignment)
April 3, 2022
If every road was straight and smooth, we wouldn't have to worry much about wheel alignment. But they're not, so we do. Hitting potholes or driving on rough pavement can knock your vehicle out of alignment and you'll notice it in one of several ways. Your steering wheel may not be centered when ... More